Under the heading Show... you select the operations that shall be printed on the comprehensive documents. The following alternatives are available:
- Already printed operations - if you select this alternative, already printed operations will be printed again.
- Operations ready for shipment - if you select this alternative, comprehensive documents will be printed for the physical goods that are ready for shipment to subcontractors. The system calculates quantity according to the formula: "Reported quantity previous operation - Reported quantity subcontract". First you must report the good's shipping operation. After that you go back to this procedure and print the document.
- Also show last operation - if you select this sub-selection the first operation will also be included in the document.
- Only operations with rest - (default) if you select this alternative, the operations with rest quantity zero (0) will not be printed. It can be useful to avoid re-printing finished subcontracts. Conversely, it can be useful to make some sort of reprint, for example to search for purchase order number to find the manufacturing order number and vice versa when the operation is finished.
- Instructions - (default) if you select this alternative, the instructions for subcontracts from preparations are then included on the printouts.
- Only material cleared - only fully cleared operations and operations without material links will be shown.