The Create Tab

Under the Create tab, you enter the options and settings for the list that you want to create.

When you open this procedure, the cursor is automatically positioned in the Order number field. To create a list for an entire order, you only need to select the order number. To create a list for an individual part, you must first uncheck the Entire box. After that, you can select a part number and an operation. Via the Info menu (accessed by right-clicking) it is possible to print manufacturing order.

To the far right you will see information about planned quantity and the OK column indicating available balance. When you load the list, this column will be highlighted in Closedgreen if the material requirement for an entire order - or a selected part - is available in stock.


There is an available balance.

You can add more order rows under the Create tab, and load lists for those orders at the same time.

By default, the Clearance list is selected under Print with the Selection "Only shortage parts", showing the part types Purchased, Manufactured and Stocked parts.

If you select Pick list , other alternatives will appear. The default option is that the printout will be sorted by Part number and the page break by order, and also the option that the clearance will be saved when printed. You can choose to show batch numbers, report numbers, work center or revisions. You can also decide if you want to "Show all locations".

For Linked requirements you can select to show distributed purchase orders in italics in the list (a check is made during clearance to see if there are other purchase orders linked to the same material row). However, this check causes the clearance to take more time.

You can also select which part types you want to include in the list.