
Once you have loaded an order, you can look under the ClosedInfo heading to find the planned start and finish period for both the order and parts, the planned quantity, reported quantity, rest quantity and status.

Left portion of the Info.

Right portion of the Info.

Here you can also see additional texts and comments linked to the order and the selected part. There is a button A for additional text linked to the order and a button C for part. If there are documents linked to the order or part, you will see a button for viewing of linked documents, to the right of the buttons A and C. You can only insert linked documents if you have installed the supplement Document Viewing.

Further to the right, by using the horizontal scroll bar, you will find more information. You can e.g. see the customer code and priority of the order and the revision for the part. Here you can also see information about the customer order number, the stock order number*, the initial finish period, the registration/print date of the order as well as who registered the order.

This information is the same as the information that you will find in the same location in the Adding / Replanning procedure.

* Applies only if the supplement Warehouse Management is installed.