Color Code
Here you can see the color code for the selected RGB color. You can use a drop-down list box to select a predefined color. The color will then be shown to the right of the color code field. The predefined color codes are:
Black |
0 |
Red |
255 |
Green |
32768 |
Green |
65280 |
Yellow |
65535 |
Orange |
833791 |
Blue |
16711680 |
Blue |
16761856 |
White |
16777215 |
Calculate Own Color Codes
You can also calculate other color codes to get own nuances (16,7 millions) in a scale from Black (0) up to White (16777215). The color code (C), in the column to the right in the table above, is then calculated according to this formula:
C = R + 256 X G + 65536 X B
R (Red) = 0-255
G (Green) = 0-255
B (Blue) = 0-255
The color Black (color code 0) is calculated according to the basic formula:
0 + 256 X 0 + 65536 X 0 = 0
White is calculated according to the same basic formula:
255 + 256 X 255 + 65536 X 255 = 16777215