Adjustment / Calibration

These fields apply only to Special tools and Measuring tools. Here you enter information for the calibration or adjustment of the tools. You can enter calibration points / adjustment points in the lower portion of the window.

Adjustment Location / Calibration Location

Here you select the adjustment / calibration location (a supplier or an inspection department) to which the tool should be sent for adjustment or calibration. If you use the PopUp feature or the F4 key, you can search the supplier register.


Here you enter the number of days between each calibration / adjustment.


This is where you enter the maximum number of cycles that the tool can be used before it should be sent for adjustment or calibration.

Adjustment Product Group / Calibration Product Group

Here you enter the product group that shall determine the purchase order coding for tool adjustment/calibration. This product group is used for purchase orders with row type 9 and type 2 or 3 (2=reservation, 3=withdrawals for adjusting or calibrating). You create product groups in the Product Groups procedure, which can be found under Tables | Global Settings.


Use this button to enter an "Instruction" regarding the calibration / adjustment. By using the Document Viewer button you can for example link special calibration protocol documents to the instruction if you have installed the supplement Document Viewingg.