Contains Entities
This applies only to Special tools and Measuring tools. Check this box if you want a new tool to contain several entities. Once you save the tool, you cannot change or delete this parameter. If you are creating a new tool that contains several entities, you must initiate the tool using the New entity button. See below.
By "contains entities" we mean that each tool has been physically marked with its own individual ID (for example, all measuring tools are). Furthermore, a tool that contains several entities can only have one quantity, one stock location per entity and one withdrawal per entity in the system. Tools that contain entities are given a consecutive number that appears after the tool number.
The purpose of using tools that contain entities is to allow you to identify the tools, if they are linked to an operation, or for calibration / adjustment. In this window, tools that contain entities are shown by having all the headings under Entity info appear in blue font.
Current Entity
Here you can select a number for the current entity. This entity number is then shown as a consecutive number after the tool number (in lists, etc.). At the far right, you can see how many entities there are of this tool.
New Entity
By using this button, you configure a new entity of this tool. The button is inactive for newly registered tools until you save the first time. After saving, you can add new entities by using this button. The first entity will always be number 1, once the tool has been saved.