Entity Info

This section is used to enter specific information for each tool.


Here you can enter one or multiple stock locations for the tool (if you use multiple stock locations). If the tool contains several entities, you can only enter one location.


This field only appears for tools that do not contain entities, and shows the current stock balance for the tool.


This is field only appears for tools that do not contain entities. This is where you can block a tool. If you check this box, a field showing the date and the name of the user who blocked it appears as well as a Cause button where you can enter why the part was blocked. You can also link external documents and files to the comments if you have installed the supplement Document Viewing.


Tools that can contain entities (measuring tools and special tools), have a Status field instead of a Blocked field, where you can see the tool status. The different status terms available are:

If you enter status 2 Blocked/Rejected, a field showing the date and the name of the user who blocked it appears as well as a Cause button where you can enter why the part was blocked. You can also link external documents (for example calibration protocols) to the comments if you have installed the supplement Document Viewing.


This is where you select the department to which the tool belongs. The department can be used to classify and select different lists.

Serial Number

If the tool has a serial number, it can be entered here.


The brand of the tool can be entered in this field.

Purchase Price

The tool's purchase price can be entered in this field. The price is always entered in the company currency, for example SEK.

Purchase Order Number

The purchase order number used to buy the tool can be selected here. If you use the PopUp feature or F4, you can search for the purchase order number or supplier code.

Supplier Code

The supplier code the tool was purchased from can be selected here. If you use the PopUp feature or F4, you can search for the supplier code or supplier name.

Acquisition Date

Here you can enter the acquisition date for the tool.