Adjustment / Calibration Info

This section contains different adjustment or calibration information, such as who reported the calibration and when, the supplier or location that performed the calibration and the purchase order, if any. Here you can also see when the tool was registered or modified, and by whom. You can also see and update the date for the last adjustment/calibration, and also calculate the date for the next adjustment or calibration. You can also see the correct color code used for this tool.

Adjusted / Calibrated By

Here you can see who reported the tool adjustment/calibration.

Last Adjustment / Calibration

This is where you enter the last adjustment / calibration date. The next date and the correct color code for the respective month will be calculated after responding to a control question.


If a comment was saved from the Calibration Reporting procedure, you can view it using this button. You can also see an adjustment or calibration protocol (the results of the last calibration) under the document viewing button, if one has been linked to the Protocol button in that procedure. You must have installed the supplement Document Viewing to do this.

Next Adjustment / Calibration

If needed, you can enter another date (instead of the suggested date) for the next adjustment or calibration.

Color Code

The correct color code and month are calculated here if you change the next adjustment/calibration date. The color codes are loaded from the Update Color Code procedure.


Here you can view and modify any comment that was entered during Calibration Reporting. You can also use this space to enter a comment if you change the next adjustment / calibration date.