Reading Messages in the Recording Terminal

When an employee has entered his or her employee number or card code in the Recording Terminal, the incoming messages automatically appear in the Message window.

The Message window.

If there are no new incoming messages, then you can read previously received messages by opening the Message window using the help0211.gif symbol that appears in the Recording section.

In the left portion of the window you can see the date and sender of all the incoming messages. Senders can be both users and employees. Users are shown here with their user name, and employees with their employee number. Select the desired row to show the message in the field to the right.

Delete Selected Message

The check box Delete selected message is unchecked by default, which means that the box must be checked if the incoming message shall be deleted when the employee clicks OK. If this box is unchecked, the message will remain.

The OK Button

Used to confirm and close the message window.

The Cancel Button

Closes the message window.

The Reply... Button

Used to reply to a message that the sender sent with the alternative "Reply" option, see below.

The Forward… Button

This button is used to forward the same message to other employees.

Alternatives for How the Message Should Be Received.

If the sender has chosen the Receipt alternative, the check box "Receipt" will be visible at the bottom of the window.

The Receipt checkbox.

The incoming message now requires the employee to confirm receipt by selecting the checkbox and clicking OK. A receipt is sent back to the sender. If you click OK without checking the box, the following will appear:

A message about confirming the message.

If the alternative Reply was selected by the sender, the Reply button is "highlighted" while the OK button is "greyed out".

The Reply... Button

The message must now be replied to by the employee, by clicking Reply… and writing a response in the window that opens. The reply is sent back to the sender.