Show Employees
Here you select which employees that should be shown in the Employee list by indicating which attendance status and department you want to include.
Choose between Clocked-in, Not clocked-in and Absent. All employees are selected by default. Deselect employees by unchecking the box for the status that should not be shown. By using the alternative Should be attending you will see the employees that should be clocked-in at this very moment according to their schedule. This list is useful if you want to see only the employees that are not clocked-in at this moment without having to viewing staff that will start working later on this day.
Choose to show employees per department by selecting a department in the Department field. To select a department from a list, use F4 or click on the list box symbol.
The setting called Refresh automatically is used to refresh the status of the employees in the Employee list at regular intervals. Enter the time interval for refreshing the list in the Refresh interval field. The default setting is to refresh every five minutes. Uncheck this setting if you do not want to automatically refresh the employee status.
The Refresh now button will refresh the employee status immediately.
The Fire list button opens the Recording List procedures and to print a list of Only present employees. This list is used in case of a fire evacuation to instantly get a correct basis of clocked-in employees.