Attendance Recording Principles

Both the attendance and absence are registered in MONITOR as separate records, with a start time and a finish time. When registering absence in the system, you must enter when the absence started and when it ended. To be absent is not the same as not being present! No information about the absence, apart from when it was started, will be available until it is ended.

Start an attendance record by:

End an attendance record by:

Start an absence record by:

End an absence record by:

For an attendance record, the attendance time will only be the valid working hours according to the employee's schedule. Time outside the schedule will not be registered, unless it is registered as overtime.
The same applies for an absence record. Absence time will only be registered within regular working hours, time outside the schedule will not be registered. If you start an absence record at the end of the day and do not end it until three days later, absence will only be registered for the hours according to the regular working schedule for these days.