Attendance list

In this procedure there is an attendance list showing which members of personnel are clocked in at present, those clocked out on a break, those who are not clocked in, and those who are absent. If they are absent, you can also see which absence code is used. For those who are clocked in, those clocked out on a break and those who have recorded absence, a symbol is shown as appropriate.

You’ll see the date and time of the most recent recording.

If the Activate site recording system setting is activated in the Windows client, the site where the person recorded is also shown.


At the very top, under the Filter section, you can filter data by performing an exact match search by person, select department, and show persons based on their recording status. If the system setting called Activate site recording is activated in the Windows client, you can also filter by location.

Attendance list

In the attendance list, you can tap the person's name to view further information about the employee and most recent recording, absence, schedule, department and contact details for the person.