You are here: Sales > Parts > Price List - Sales > Printout Samples

Printout Samples

Below you will find a few samples and detailed descriptions of the different list types that can be selected under the Create tab.

ClosedPrice List

In this sample of a Price List, the list shows Part number, Name and Price alternative 1 set to "Gross price list". The Language is Swedish.


Sample of a Price list.

ClosedCustomer Prices

This sample of the Customer prices list shows customer-specific prices. The current customer is marked with a "C".


Sample of a Customer Prices list.

Sample of a Customer Prices list. Here you will also find the customer's part number.

ClosedOrder Simulated Price

The price shown in the list Order simulated price corresponds to the price that is generated when registering customer orders. The price can be loaded from customer linked prices or price lists.

A discount can also be loaded from the price list, via discount matrix or general for the customer. Setup prices and staggered prices are also used. All these variables are managed in this price list type. Apart from the price information, the list also shows from where the price was loaded.

However, discount based on the order row value is not managed here (i.e. a discount matrix where the discount levels are based on amount and not quantity).

Sample of the Order Simulated Price list.

ClosedOrder Simulated Price - External

The Order simulated price - external list is calculated in the same way as the Order simulated price list. But in this list you will also see information about Our reference, Recipient and You reference.

The purpose of the price list is to provide customers with current prices. You can easily attach the price list as a PDF file and tab-separated text file in e-mail messages to the customer by clicking on the button Send via e-mail in the Window functions. The customer can then import the text file into MONITOR via the Price Import procedure in the Purchase module. These functions are part of the MONITOR-to-MONITOR feature.

Sample of the Order Simulated Price - External list.