You are here: Sales > Customers > Exact Match Search - Sales > The Exact Match Search - Sales Window

The Exact Match Search - Sales Window

The window in this procedure is divided into a heading row as well as the tabs Customer, Quote, Customer order Blanket order - S and Service order.

In the Phrase field on the heading row you enter the search phrase. By entering several phrases separated by a space, all words will be included in the search. (In other words, space means "AND"). The search will be made in both text logs and linked e-mail messages.

By using the Find button, you start the search in all text logs and linked e-mail messages.

You can limit the search by using the checkboxes Customer, Quote, Service order, Customer order, Blanket order - S and Agreement. However, all boxes are checked by default. You will also find buttons used to paste customer selection and customer order selection.

Under the Hits heading, you will see the records that have got a text log containing the search phrase. Here you will see customer code, number*, customer name, customer category, seller, our reference*, your reference* and you will also see if the hit was made in the text log or e-mail message.

An arrow points to the current record. You can move the arrow by selecting another record with the cursor or using the arrow up / arrow down on your keyboard.

Under the heading E-mail for selected customer/quote/customer order/blanket order-S/service order you will see all linked e-mail messages. Here you will see if the e-mails are incoming or outgoing, date, from, to and subject. You can also open the e-mail message by using the Open button.

Under the heading Text log for selected customer/quote/customer order/blanket order-S/service order, you will see all logged texts for the selected record. Hits for search phrases in text logs are highlighted in green.

Under the Info menu you will find a number of alternatives and links to other procedures.

* These alternatives are shown under the Quote, Customer order, Blanket order - S, Service order and Agreement tabs.