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Under Orders in the Sales module you will find all procedures that concern order management.

Below you will find a brief description of all the procedures that can be found under the Orders menu in the Sales module of a complete MONITOR system. Please note that the Import EDI Orders procedure is a Supplement that must be purchased separately.

Register Customer Order

This procedure is used to register incoming customer orders. When a customer order is registered, you can monitor the order and register the delivery for this order, as well as update statistics. Deliveries are made in the Delivery Reporting procedure. A customer order will also affect the planning as a reservation in stock for the current delivery period. You can also print order confirmations and delivery notes once a customer order has been registered. This is done in the Print Customer Order procedure. You can print a list over the current order backlog using the Order List - Sales procedure.

Print Customer Order

This is where you print regular customer orders. The form types that can be printed are order confirmations and delivery notes. You create customer orders in the Register Customer Order procedure. When you are registering customer orders, you can also preview and print out the orders. You can print an order on a preprinted form or on a blank paper. In the Form Settings procedure in the Global Settings module, you can describe how you want printouts to be handled, such as how many copies of the document you want to print, etc. You can print order confirmations and/or delivery notes at any time.

Print Changed Order Confirmation

Here you can re-print customer orders if new rows have been added, or if the quantity or delivery time has been modified on an existing order.

Order List - Sales

You can print lists from the customer order register using this procedure. You create, modify and delete customer orders in the Register Customer Order procedure. In the standard list in Order List - Sales, you can also update the order's delivery period.

Order Inflow

Here you can create a list of all the registered customer orders/delivery schedules, both delivered and not delivered, in order to analyze the order inflow for a particular period, customer or seller.

You can also select whether invoices that have been registered directly should be included in the list. In order to include direct-registered invoices, inventory reporting must have been performed when the invoice was saved.

Customer Order Info

This procedure contains gathered information about a customer order. You will also find different logs with information linked to the order. The Customer Order Info is an important and central procedure in the system, since it can display all the existing customer order information from anywhere in the system.

Flow Analysis - Sales

Here you can make a flow analysis of the customer order. The flow analysis is used to analyze existing orders, that is, to make sure that the entire flow - from purchase via manufacturing to delivery - is in phase.

If the flow is not in phase, the flow analysis will show the consequences that this will lead to. The final consequence may be delayed deliveries. You will find information about new delivery times and where the problem occurs. You will also see what possibilities you have to catch up, for example to reduce the number of queue days.

You can analyze the flow based on either a purchase order, manufacturing order, customer order or an operation on a manufacturing order (priority plan).

Order Lead Time - Sales

Order lead time is a tool used to measure the lead time of the customer order in different stages. For example to measure how long time it takes to send the order confirmation, to see if the order is placed too late in relation to the part's entered lead time or to see if the delivery is made too late in relation to the part's given lead time.

Invoicing Plan List

In this procedure, under the Create tab, you can create summarized lists of invoicing plans that are registered on customer orders. You can supervise what has been invoiced and what is left to be invoiced. You can also supervise the invoicing to be made for a certain period of time.

Register Blanket Order - Sales

This procedure is used to register incoming blanket orders received from customers. A blanket order is an order where you have an agreed quantity and price for a part for a certain period of time. Based on this blanket order you then call off quantities from the order. When a blanket order has been registered and sent, a customer order to this blanket order can be registered and later delivery reported. The statistics will also be updated.

Price Change

The Price Change procedure is used to check and update the price on an existing customer order row against the current price for parts. You can only check or update order rows with status 5 or lower as well as order rows with rest.

Customer Order Activity List

In this procedure you can print all planned customer activities, as well as view statistics over finished activities. You can print all customer order activities regardless of the activity status and the responsible user.

Import EDI Orders

(Supplement to MONITOR)This is where you generate customer orders via EDI import from EDI message types ORDERS that have been received in an import file from the customer.

EDI Order Import List

(Supplement to MONITOR)This is where you generate customer orders via EDI import in a list from EDI message types ORDERS that have been received in an import file from the customer. The procedure is prepared to schedule automatic runs using the MONITOR Agent (which is a supplement to MONITOR).

Import EDI Delivery Schedules

Here you create delivery schedule orders. As a Supplement to the system, you can also use EDI import (when delivery schedules are automatically generated) based on EDI messages (Delins) that are received from customers.

Forecast / EDI Import

This procedure is used import forecasts from customers in .txt format.

Delivery Schedule Log / Diff

Here you can see logs over the imported delivery schedules. You can also see the quantity difference between different periods.

Balance Forecast Plan

This chapter has not yet been documented.

Customer Order Transfer Settings

This procedure is a supplement function in MONITOR. Here you can configure the settings used to transfer orders between sales companies and manufacturing companies.