You are here: Purchase > Parts > Price List - Purchase > Printout Samples

Printout Samples

Below you will find a few samples and detailed descriptions of the different list types that can be selected under the Create tab.

The price lists can show several links for the same supplier registered in the Update Part - Purchase procedure.

ClosedSupplier Prices

This sample of the Supplier prices list shows supplier-specific prices.


Sample of a Supplier prices list.

ClosedSupplier Prices Including Staggered Prices and Future Prices

The Supplier prices list including both Staggered prices and Future prices, shows Current price, Future price, Valid through date, Setup price and Staggered prices for different purchase quantities. The list also shows the part's setup price, if any, at the supplier.

Sample of a Supplier Prices list including Future prices and Staggered prices, classified by Part number.

ClosedPrice List

In this sample of a Price List, the list shows Part number, Name and Price alternative 1 set to Gross price list. The selected language is Swedish.


Sample of a Price list.

ClosedPrice List with Several Price Alternatives

In this sample of a Price List, the list shows price alternatives Supplier price and Setup price for the current supplier link, as well as Standard price.

Sample of a Price List with several price alternatives.