You are here: Purchase > Inquiry > Inquiry List > Printout Samples

Printout Samples

Below you will find samples of the different list types available in this procedure, as well as comments regarding each list type.


At the top of the Standard list you will see the following information for each inquiry: Inquiry number, Sub-number, Supplier, Status, Inquiry date, Response date, Last contact date, Project and Our reference. If you classify by Supplier code under the Create tab, the list will also contain the supplier’s first reference and telephone number. Under all this information, you will see the part rows containing information such as: Delivery period, Price each, Discount, Quantity and Amount. After the order rows, you will see a total for each inquiry. At the very bottom of the list, you will see a total amount for the entire list.


The Standard list.

In the Standard list with the Show decimals on quantity option, you will see the that the ordered quantity appears under the Ord. column with the number of decimals that were entered in the order row. The total under Ord. is always rounded off to the nearest 2 decimals.

The Standard list with the Show text rows option also shows the text rows that were entered on the order.

ClosedOnly Total

The Only total list only shows the total order value for the classification alternative you chose. In the example below, the list is classified by Inquiry number. It can also be classified by Supplier or Our reference.


The Only total list.

The Only total list can also be viewed in chart form. You will then find the Chart button under Window functions.

ClosedShow Additional Text

The Show additional text list shows the additional text that was entered on the inquiry by using the Additional text.. button in the inquiry header.

Sample of a Show additional text list.

ClosedResponse Info

The Response info list shows the same information as the Standard list. You will also find information for the part concerned about delivery time, setup price, initial cost and the three value fields entered under the Extra row info... on an inquiry row, used as response from suppliers.

Sample of a Response info list.


If you have installed the supplement Warehouse Management, you can check list type Warehouse to see the following info per inquiry number: Sub-number, Warehouse, Supplier, Name, Status, Inquiry date, Response date, Our reference and Amount.


The Warehouse list.