You are here: Purchase > Inquiry > Register Inquiry > The Order Button

The Order Button

When you turn an inquiry into a purchase order, you use this button. The inquiry that is loaded onto the screen is then given Status 9 (Order) and a new purchase order is created based on the inquiry in question. Once you activate or press the button, a new window appears where you can enter a unique purchase order number (otherwise a new consecutive number is taken from the number series).

If an inquiry number consists of several linked inquiries as sub-numbers, then a control question appears asking if the linked inquiries should be cancelled by selecting status 8. If you confirm this with OK, all the linked inquiries will be given Status 8 (Thank you for your interest).

The purchase order is created for the inquiry that is loaded from the inquiry register. The delivery date of the purchase order is left empty, while each order row inherits the delivery time from the corresponding row on the inquiry,