You are here: Purchase > Inquiry > Register Inquiry > Delivery Period

Delivery Period

Enter a requested delivery period for the current row. By default, the system sets a delivery period that is several years ahead in time. The delivery period that is entered in this field will be used by default on the following (subsequent) inquiry rows. The delivery period can be entered using different date formats.

If the default value 20534 or 2020-12-31 is left, then this field will not be shown during printout. This may be convenient if the delivery time is one of the things you are asking suppliers to quote you.

If you create a purchase order via the Order button, this value will suggest a delivery period for the order rows. A convenient work method is to change the delivery times before you convert an inquiry into a purchase order, in order to avoid saving the wrong initial period on the order rows.

There are two additional delivery periods under Extra row info at the bottom of the window. Requested period is a field where you can enter our requested (desired) delivery period. Initial period is updated when you register a new inquiry row, but can be changed during replanning.