You are here: Purchase > Inquiry > Register Inquiry > Text Type

Text Type

This field only appears on text rows (row type 4). In purchasing, there are six different text types for text rows that determine on which documents the text rows should be printed:

Link Text Row

To the right of the Text type field there is a check box that can be used to link the text row to the part that is included in the row of the inquiry above.

Linked inquiry text rows are transferred to the generated purchase order. This is a convenient special feature that will simplify the process when a partial delivery is made on a purchase order row. For example, if an order row with 10 parts and a linked text row receives a partial delivery of 5 parts, then the text row is also partially delivered. This means that it will actually remain in the system until a later partial delivery is made of this order row.

Another handy feature is that if an order row of type 1-3 or 5-6 is deleted, then the linked text rows are also deleted.

Linked text rows are shown with a little grey arrow icon help0065.gif to the left of the row.


Here you can select to use bold font on the text row.


Here you can select to use italic font on the text row.


Here you can select to use underlined font on the text row.