You are here: Purchase > Suppliers > Update Supplier > Import Electronic Business Card

Import Electronic Business Card

In the Update Supplier procedure you can add new references to an existing supplier or create new suppliers by using electronic business cards (vCard).

Follow these instructions to import electronic business cards:

  1. Select File | Import electronic business card... and find the .vcf file you want to import, or you can "drag and drop" a .vcf file in the Windows Explorer and drop the file in the procedure window in MONITOR.
  2. In the dialog box that appears you can select if you want to add a New reference for current supplier (default), or if you want to create a New supplier. If you select the option New supplier, the field Supplier code appears where you enter the new supplier code.
  3. Then click on the Import button to execute the import.

Please note! At the present MONITOR supports import of vCard version 2.1. For vCard version 3.0 certain information might be truncated during the import.