You are here: Purchase > Suppliers > Update Supplier > The Activities / Contacts Log

Activities / Contacts Log

In the field under the heading Activities/contacts log, you can write down information regarding activities, events and other notes concerning the supplier/contact. You can write notes for planned activities as well as for already finished activities.

The field consists of a word processor, where you can write any optional text. You can also select font, text size, color, etc. You will find a description of this word processor in the Help Function for the Update Instruction in the Global Settings module.

In order to make it easier to write notes you can use a button called Insert note.

Besides writing text, you can also insert hyper links such as files and website links. This is done by right-clicking and selecting Insert hyperlink, or by using the "drag and drop" function for files in the Windows Explorer and e-mail messages in an e-mail program.

The window under the heading Activities/contacts log has the same functions as the window in the Update Instruction procedure in the Global Settings.

The Activities / contacts log.

By using the Print supplier card... button, you can print gathered information about the supplier/contact. This can be useful for example during supplier visits etc.