Printout Samples

Here you will find instructions for printing transaction lists as well as printout samples for the payment methods LB and LBI.

ClosedPrinting Transaction Lists

  1. Go to Print in the Window functions or under File in the Window menu to print a transaction list and a payment authorization.
  2. A control question will appear on you screen asking you to confirm that you want to convert the LB/FB payments. Click Yes to start the transmission program.

  3. After that, a payment file is created that is sent to the PlusGiro / Bank. Click OK to overwrite the existing payment file.

  4. When the payment file is created, another question appears asking if you want to start the transmission program (such as GiroLink). Click Yes to start the transmission program.


ClosedTransaction List - LB Payment

The transaction list shows today's date and the time at the top of the list. For each invoice, you can also see the Invoice type, Payee (who receives the payment), Invoice number, Supplier's invoice number, Payment date and Amount. The Payee field represents the supplier's bank or PlusGiro number. It is therefore important that this information is up-to-date for each supplier. The payment date is the date that the invoice will be paid on, i.e. the due date (unless you entered another date for this invoice in the Make Payments or Payment Suggestions procedures).

The list also shows a total for those invoices that have the same Payment date. The transaction list concludes with a total of all the invoice amounts and the total number of invoices to be paid (quantity).

Sample of a Transaction List - LBI Payment

ClosedTransaction List - LBI Payment

The transaction list for LBI payments shows approximately the same information as the LB payment list. However, here the payments are shown per allocation code, meaning that the payments made against a deposit account are separate from the payments made against a currency account, You configure allocation code options for each respective supplier in the Update Supplier.

Under the invoice records you will see a Currency total that adds up the total paid amount per currency. The total payment amount converted to SEK is shown as a Hash total.

Sample of a Transaction List - LBI Payment