You are here: Purchase > Orders > Outline


Under Orders in the Purchase module, you will find procedures related to purchase orders and purchase order management.

Below you will find a brief description of all the procedures that can be found under the Orders menu in the Purchase module of a complete MONITOR system.

Register Purchase Order

This is where you register all your purchase orders. When you register a purchase order, you can monitor the purchase order and register an arrival (delivery received from the supplier) for this order, as well as update statistics.

Print Purchase Order

This is where you print purchase orders. The documents that can be printed are purchase orders, delivery notes and purchase order confirmations.

Order List - Purchase

Here you can print lists of purchase orders from the purchase order register.

Orders Needing Approval

Here you can load a list of purchase orders with status 0 (Not approved). Orders that have been blocked due to exceeded amount limits are included in this list. You cannot print an order that has not been approved.

Flow Analysis - Purchase

The flow analysis is used to analyze existing orders, that is, to make sure that the entire flow - from purchase via manufacturing to delivery - is in phase.

Order Lead Time - Purchase

The purpose of the procedure is to measure the lead time of the purchase order in different stages. For example to measure how long time it takes to send the order confirmation, to see if the order is placed too late in relation to the part's entered lead time or to see if the supplier can deliver on time in relation to the part's given lead time.

Payment Plan List

In this procedure, under the Create tab, you can create summarized lists of payment plans that are registered on purchase orders. You can also see what is linked to supplier invoices and what is left to be linked to invoice.

Register Blanket Order - Purchase

This procedure is used to register blanket orders (also known as frame order or skeleton order) to suppliers. A blanket order is an order where you have an agreed quantity and price for a part for a certain period of time. Based on this blanket order you then call off quantities from the order. When a blanket order has been registered and sent, a purchase order to this blanket order can be registered, monitored and later on it can be arrival reported. The statistics will also be updated.

Purchase Order Activity List

In this procedure you can print all planned purchase order activities, as well as view statistics over finished purchase order activities. You can print all purchase order activities regardless of activity status and responsible user.

Print Delivery Schedules

Here you can print several purchase orders (per part or supplier) summarized on one single form.

Print EDI Delivery Schedules

(Supplement) This procedure is used to print delivery schedules with current (planned) delivery dates and quantities for purchase order suggestions and actual purchase orders. Delivery schedules are printed per supplier.

Import EDI Order Responses

(Supplement) This procedure is used to register order confirmations (order responses) from suppliers. You can register order responses received from the suppliers via mail, fax or via EDI messages.

Import EDI Orders

(Supplement) This procedure is used to import purchase orders received from the supplier via EDI messages. This is mainly used when the supplier is monitoring the stock balance via an extranet solution and places the purchase order himself.

Dispatch Advice / EDI Import

(Supplement) This procedure is used to import and validate DESADV advices received from the supplier via EDI messages.

Order Confirmation Reminders

This procedure allows you to print reminders for those order confirmations that have not been returned by the supplier within a certain period of time.

Delivery Reminders

This procedure allows you to print reminders for those purchase order rows that have not been delivered by the supplier or arrival reported within the given delivery period.

Print Modified Purchase Orders

Here you can re-print purchase orders if new rows have been added, or if the quantity or delivery time has been modified on an existing order. The modifications are made in the Register Purchase Order procedure.