You are here: Purchase > Orders > Register Purchase Order > General Information about Register Purchase Order

General Information about Register Purchase Order

What Does This Procedure Do?

This procedure is used to register a purchase order that is placed with a supplier. When a purchase order is registered and has been sent, you can monitor the purchase order and register an arrival (delivery received from the supplier) for this order, as well as update statistics. Arrivals are registered in the Arrival Reporting and Bar Code Arrival Reporting procedures.

A purchase order will also affect planning as a stock order for the current delivery period. You can print a list over the current order backlog using the Order List - Purchase procedure.

Registering a New Order

The registration window is divided into a heading row and two tabs called Main and Rows. When registering a new purchase order, you select a supplier on the heading row. You can also enter an optional order number. The order number can consist of both digits and letters (alphanumerical), and can contain up to 10 characters.

It is also possible to use the automatic numbering system but then the order number will consists only of digits. You enter a Start code for the current number series in the Number Series procedure in the Global Settings module.

If you activate the setting Enter order number during save in Register Purchase Order a window will be displayed when you save. In this window you can enter an optional order number. The setting in question is found under Orders / Inquiries under the Purchase tab in the Settings procedure.

The first tab Main, contains general information about the order, such as the supplier name, terms of payment etc. Most of this information is taken from the supplier register, but can be modified for an individual purchase order.

Under the second tab, Rows, you register which parts you are to purchase. This is where you register different row types, such as part rows, service rows, additional order rows etc. You can also enter a price each and the correct coding account for each order row.

Under the Activities tab you can register activities and log e-mail conversations regarding the purchase order.

Updating Existing Orders

This procedure also allows you to open an existing order and modify previously entered information, or add/delete order rows. The heading row is where you select an order number when you want to load an existing order. The Modified purchase order tab is activated if the quantity or delivery period has been changed on an already printed order. Here you can preview the order before re-printing.

If changes are made on an order row, the status of the modified purchase order row will be set to Not confirmed. This is done since the conditions have been changed and a new order confirmation is expected to be received for that order row.

If you use purchase limits, the person who registered the order can make adjustments, if necessary, without having to approve the order again. The following adjustments can be made without having to re-approve the order: delivery period, coding, address information, etc. However, it is not permitted to make adjustments row that will affect the amount on the order rows, and it is also not allowed to add/delete rows. In this case the order must be sent out for new approval.

If the loaded purchase order is a subcontract order, a message appears informing you about this and allowing you to open the Order Confirmation - Subcontract procedure instead.

The status can no longer be changed on orders with status 0 (Not approved) in this procedure. Order approval has to be made via the Orders Needing Approval procedure.

You can not change the supplier code on an existing order if the order status is higher than 1. If you update the quantity on an order row that contains a part with an alloy cost, the quantity on the service row will not be updated. You must change the entire order row for the alloy cost to be updated.

Warning during Minimum Order Amount

If a minimum order amount is entered regarding purchases from the supplier, a message appears if the total order amount (in the company currency) is lower than the minimum order amount. This check is made when you save the inquiry or the purchase order. The same check of the minimum order amount is made in the procedures Purchase Order Suggestion and Refill List - Purchase when you create a purchase order.

Printing an Order

To rationalize printing, you can print individual purchase orders directly by using the Print button under the Window functions. The purchase order will then be printed on the default form. That must be selected using the setting Type of form used to direct-print orders under the section Orders / Inquiries under the Purchase tab in the Settings procedure.

Using the setting called Show extra form tabs in Register Purchase Order?, which you find in the same section as the setting mentioned above, you can select to also show tabs for the forms Order confirmation or Delivery note, or for both forms. This can be useful if the forms should be previewed before printout.

Printouts can be performed at any time in the Print Purchase Order procedure. That procedure also allows you to print multiple orders, by order number and supplier. There you can also select the form, and preview the order prior to printout.

When printing orders from the Print Purchase Order you can print using the button called Send or print according to the order setting in the Window functions.

The status of orders sent via e-mail will not be updated if you failed to logon to the e-mail program or if the e-mail sending was interrupted (only applies to Microsoft Outlook).

EDI Export of Purchase Orders

If you install the supplement EDI in your system, you can also export purchase orders from this procedure via EDI as an Edifact message (ORDERS). This applies when a registered order is printed directly by using the Print button in the Window functions and when the purchase order basis has been activated for the supplier. Please read more about EDI in the Using MONITOR Procedures guide.

Attach XML File when Sending Purchase Orders via E-mail

To suppliers that also use MONITOR you can attach a purchase order as an XML file in an e-mail and send it by using the function Send via e-mail in the Window functions. The default setting is to attach an XML file to the e-mail message along with the PDF file of the purchase order that is always sent. This is configured under the button Attach XML file under the Info tab in the Update Supplier procedure. The supplier can then drag the XML file from the received e-mail message and drop it in the procedure window in the Register Customer Order procedure or in the Procedure menu to create a new customer order. To attach a purchase order as an XML file and import it to become a new customer order by using drag and drop are functions included in the MONITOR-to-MONITOR feature.

The order number is included in the file names of the XML and PDF files that are sent via e-mail. If the order number contains characters invalid for file names (such as slash "/"), these will be replaced with hyphens "-" in the file name.

Register Order Confirmation from XML File

A supplier that also uses MONITOR can return an order confirmation on our purchase order as an XML file in an e-mail message. Then you can drag the XML file from the e-mail message and drop it in the procedure window in the Register Purchase Order or in the Procedure menu in order to register the order confirmation on the purchase order. Read more about this in the Register Order Confirmation from XML File. This is a function in the MONITOR-to-MONITOR feature.

Register Dispatch Advices on Purchase Order

You can register and update dispatch advices on order rows where the supplier has advised delivery of our purchase order. This is done by using the Dispatch advice button under the Main tab.

A supplier that also uses MONITOR can send a dispatch advice as an attached XML file in an e-mail message. Then you can drag the XML file from the e-mail message and drop it in the procedure window or in the Procedure menu in order to register the dispatch advice on the purchase order. Read more about this in the Register Dispatch Advice from XML File. This is a function in the MONITOR-to-MONITOR feature.

Please note that order confirmations and dispatch advices concerning subcontract purchase orders can not be registered by using the drag and drop function.

Update Prices in the System

You can update standard prices and purchase prices for parts under the Rows tab. This function is opened via the Info menu, when right-clicking in the Each field. Please read more about Updating prices in the chapter called General in the MONITOR Basics guide.

Blanket Order

On purchase orders that concern blanket orders you will find information about which blanket order it refers to, and information on the blanket order such as rest quantity, initial quantity and validity period. The text "Link to blanket order exists" appears in blue at the top of the Rows tab. Read more about blanket orders in the help section for the Register Blanket Order - Purchase procedure.

If the order date is changed in the order header, one or several rows can be linked to another blanket order. If so, a message appears.

Export of Purchase Orders

You can, from a local copy of MONITOR, create and export purchase order bases. This means that e.g. a purchaser can register a purchase order in his local MONITOR system in connection with a visit to a supplier and then export it via an e-mail message to the office for them to import to MONITOR at the company. Please read more about this under CRM and SRM in the Using MONITOR Procedures guide.

Window Functions

Split row - creates an almost identical copy of the order row on which the cursor is positioned. However, the quantity will be set to zero on the new row. The purpose is to make it easier to create a new row when the supplier confirms a partial delivery of an order row. Then you should divide it and manually adjust the quantity and the delivery period on both rows.

Read more about the other Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.