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Window Functions

If you open a procedure via the Procedure menu or via a button in My windows... the Window functions tool bar will become visible at the top left portion of the program window. This toolbar is linked to the procedure that you have open. It is also possible to have several procedure windows open, in which case the Window functions buttons for the currently active window will be displayed.

The Window functions toolbar contains buttons with shortcuts for the commands that are used most often in different procedures. These commands, and a few additional commands, can also be accessed under File and under Edit in the Window menu. The commands available in the Window functions toolbar are described in the table below. Additional commands are described in under File and under Edit.

Commands in the Window functions and under File and Edit can also be accessed via the keyboard as shortcut keys to the Window menu. Read more under Shortcuts found under General Information.

Close - closes the active procedure window.

New record - purges the loaded data in a window to create a new record. This applies in registration procedures.

Save - saves all changes made in the procedure window.

Delete record - deletes the loaded record. A check is made against the affected registers to make sure that there are no links to the record (to delete a record you have to place the cursor in the heading row in the procedure). Delete row - deletes the row in which the cursor is placed in a table (applies to procedures containing tables).

Print - prints information from the current window. This applies in list procedures from the Create tab, Display List tab, and Preview and when printing forms.

Preliminary selection - opens the right part of the window and displays a selection of forms that can be printed. Applies when printing forms.

Send via e-mail - sends forms and XML files via e-mail, for example purchase orders, order confirmations, dispatch advices, and invoices. The function is used in for example MONITOR-to-MONITOR. Printout procedures have the same function as the Preliminary selection, which means that theright portion of the window opens and shows a selection of forms that can be sent via e-mail.

Send or print according to the order/customer setting - sends or prints the form according to the setting configured in the Print via field in the order header or on the customer.

Preview - displays a form in the preview mode. Applies in the Preliminary selection mode when printing forms.

Change warehouse - shifts between warehouses. This applies if the supplement Warehouse Management is installed.

Insert row - inserts a row above the row in which the cursor is placed in a table. This applies to procedures that contain a table. In certain tables the row is inserted at the end of the table instead.

Split row - creates an almost identical copy of the order row on which the cursor is positioned. However, the quantity will be set to zero on the new row.

Display list - loads a list on the screen based on the classification and selection that was made in the Search Form/Create tab. This applies to list procedures.

Export list - exports a list to a predefined format for further processing. The supported formats are Excel, html, pdf, txt, xml, rtf and Clipboard. You can also select to include the layout and export via the MDC (Monitor Document Converter) printer.

Run - starts processing of the data included in the loaded list. This applies in list procedures where a list is processed, for example the Run Netting procedure.

Proceed - occurs in exceptional cases in a few lists which display a range of parts in a first step and where you should proceed for further choices before execution, for example in the Clearance list in the Print Pick List procedure. Back - goes back to the previous window.

Sort list - resorts the information in the list that has been loaded from the database. This applies in list procedures in the Display List mode.

Filter - filters information in lists and tables that has been loaded from the database. Applies to list procedures under the Display List tab as well as registration procedures under the Rows tab.

Show chart - displays values from the current list in chart form. This only applies in list procedures, in the Display list mode for list types with totals.

Chart settings - when you have activated Show chart you can configure different settings for the chart, such as titles, intervals on the value and category axis, etc.

Select series - when you have activated Show chart you can select data series from available columns in the current list.

Select chart type - when you have activated Show chart you can here select chart type. There are 17 pre-determined charts to choose from. You can also choose to view each chart in two-D or three-D format (2D or 3D).

Navigation buttons - with these buttons you can navigate between the top and bottom of a page or an entire list. This applies in the Display list mode in list procedures and in the Preview mode when printing forms. Shortcut key for first record Ctrl+Shift+H (H=home) and shortcut key for last record Ctrl+Shift+E (E=end).

Help buttons - the Menu help button leads you to the help section for the program window if no procedure windows are open. If a procedure is open, the button changes its function and becomes a window help for the procedure in question. If an instruction has been created for a procedure you will also see the Instruction button. You can create instructions in the procedure called Update Instruction in the Global Settings module.