You are here: MONITOR Basics > Program Window > Menus and Toolbars > Edit


Under the Edit menu you will find edit functions and shortcuts. Such as copy, cut or paste records. The Edit alternative will only appear if a procedure is open.

The Edit menu.

Edit | Undo and Cut - Copy - Paste are all standard Windows functions that are found in common Windows programs such as Word. They will not be described in detail here.

Edit | Find... is a search function that is handy when you need to search for text in windows, for example in list columns or in tables. When you select this alternative, a window will open where you enter a search word or a phrase. You can also choose to search parts of words or phrases, also called "pattern search". You can also open the Find function using the shortcut Ctrl+B.

Edit | Find next is a command used to continue searching for more results for the search word you entered in the search window. You can also access the Find Next function using the shortcut Ctrl+N.

Edit | Delete is a function for deleting records, and the meaning can vary depending on the window you are working in. If you are working in a table, this option means that a row will be deleted. But if you are in a field that refers to a record that may have links to other records, such as customers, work centers, etc., a program will start to check a number of registers before allowing the record to be deleted. You can also access Delete via the shortcut key F6.

Please Note! If links exist to the record in question, you will not be permitted to delete it. Also see the example "Deleting a Record with Links" in the chapter called "MONITOR General Information". It will describe the workflow involved in deleting records, and also represents other similar cases containing links to order or log registers.

Edit | Insert is a function used to add records or rows in a table. You can also access Insert via the shortcut key F5.

Edit | Margins is used to change the margins before printing lists, if the default margins are not right for your document or printer.

Edit | Print Search Form is a setting that can be selected if you also want the Search Form to be printed at the top of your lists. This can be useful if you want to be able to see the basis of the list.

Edit | Copy hyperlink to this procedure is a function that will copy a "monitor-hyperlink" to the procedure that can then be pasted in other programs. The format of the hyperlink will then be "monitor:///<procedure number>/". Read more about Hyperlinks.

Edit | Copy hyperlink to this procedure and record copies a "monitor-hyperlink" to the procedure with loaded data that can then be pasted in other programs. The format of the hyperlink will then be "monitor://<database number>/<procedure number>/<data>". With this alternative the database number is also included since the data is connected to the database number. Read more about Hyperlinks.

Edit | Paste text section is an alternative will paste text row (row type 4) sections that have been copied from a document and that contains multiple text rows. Each text row in the text section creates an additional text row. This function is for example useful to paste instructions etc. from a document to additional text rows on an order in MONITOR.

Edit | Sort List... only appears in list or chart modes. This alternative is used to resort a list that you have loaded. Read more about this in the chapter "Managing Lists in the System" in the MONITOR General Information guide.

Edit | Filter List... only appears in list or chart modes. This alternative is used to re-filter a list that you have loaded. Read more about this in the chapter "Managing Lists in the System" in the MONITOR General Information guide.

Edit | Spacing... only appears in list mode. Use this function to change the spacing in different lists. The value is entered in pixels.

Edit | Settings... only appears in chart mode. Use this feature to enter headings in charts and for the value axis, as well as to insert support lines (gridlines) in your chart. Read more about this in the chapter "Managing Charts in Lists" in the MONITOR General Information guide.

Edit | Value axis column... only appears in chart mode. This feature is used to change the value that will be shown on the value axis of your chart. Read more about this in the chapter "Managing Charts in Lists" in the MONITOR General Information guide.

Edit | Chart type... only appears in chart mode. This is used to change the type of chart from a staple diagram to another type. Read more about this in the chapter "Managing Charts in Lists" in the MONITOR General Information guide.

Edit | Property profile allows each user to Save and Load different property profiles for lists. List properties are first entered via the Properties alternative accesses by right-clicking in a list.

Edit | Filter profile allows each user to Save and Load different filter profiles for lists. A list filter is first entered using the Filter list alternative in the Window functions.

Edit | Chart Profile allows each user to Save and Load different chart profiles for a chart. A chart is first selected using the Show chart alternative in the Window functions.