What Does This Procedure Do?
This is where you report all the arrivals of goods. When the parts on a purchase order have been delivered to you, they must be arrival reported in the system. The purchase order must first have been registered in the Register Purchase Order procedure before you can perform arrival reporting.
During arrival reporting, the system updates the stock balance for those parts included in the purchase order that do not require receiving inspection. The parts that require receiving inspection are placed in a separate register, that can be viewed in the Receiving Inspection List procedure. In the Receiving Inspection Reporting procedure, you register the parts that require a receiving inspection as either approved or not approved. The system will update the stock balance of the approved parts. The parts that are not approved are placed in the Reject log. The Reject log is used in the Supplier Rating procedure.
You can choose whether the purchase order shall be delivered in full, or only in part. If there is a registered dispatch advice on the purchase order, you can arrival report according to the dispatch advice. You can also create an "excess delivery", that is, to arrival report a greater quantity than the quantity on the order. During arrival reporting, you can also add new order rows, if you want to add freight costs etc. Use the Add rows button to add new rows.
Reasonability checks, block for excess reporting and block for deleting rest, can be used. These reasonability checks and blocks with limits for excess reporting and deleting can be activated by settings under the Orders / Inquiries heading under the Purchase tab in the Settings procedure.
Once the order has been arrival reported, it is saved in a separate register while awaiting the corresponding supplier invoice. When registering a supplier invoice, you can then link the a purchase order to the invoice, in order to check the purchase order against the invoice.
You can also choose to update the price on a purchase order with the current exchange rate during arrival reporting. This is configured by the setting Update order price to current exchange rate for arrivals under the Orders / Inquiries heading under the Purchase tab in the Settings procedure. This setting only applies if purchases are made from suppliers operating in another currency.
What Does This Window Contain?
At the top of the heading row, there is a field where you enter the purchase order number. When you have loaded the purchase order, a dialog box appears where you can choose to arrival report all rows. If there is a registered dispatch advice on the purchase order then you will see another dialog box instead where you can choose to arrival report according to dispatch advice.
At the same time, you will see the Rows tab containing the purchase order's order rows. This is where you perform the actual reporting.
The order header is shown under the Main tab.
After saving the reporting, you can print a transport label, either directly or via the Transport label tab.
At the bottom of the window you will find Extra row info... with additional information about each order row. If the purchase order contains parts that require a receiving inspection, you will see the red text Receiving inspection (Receiving insp.) here. At the bottom of the window, you will see a Total field which represents the total order amount for all the order rows. Read more under The Rows Tab.
If the part requires a receiving inspection and has linked documents, these documents can be printed automatically when the arrival reporting is saved. This is configured in the Update Part procedure under the Arrival heading.
Multiple Stock Locations
A part can have several stock locations. If you use multiple locations, the order rows that contain parts with multiple stock locations will have a separate window that can be opened. If so, you can perform arrival reporting per stock location. The multiple stock location window can be found in the Quantity to report field in the order rows. During arrival reporting, you can also add or change the location names in that window.
Please note that you cannot load this window from here if receiving inspection is activated. In that case you must load the window from the field Approved quantity in the Receiving Inspection Reporting procedure.
If you arrival report an entire order (Quick Reporting), or if you check the All box on one or more order rows, the program will automatically analyze the location of each respective part to suggest that the parts should be arrival reported to the locations with the last (newest) arrival dates. This means that the Quantity to report field will show the total quantity that is being arrival reported. If the multiple stock locations window is opened, the system will show which location that is suggested for the arrival reporting. Normally, you do not need to make any changes in that window.
Multiple stock locations are activated by the setting Use multiple locations? under the Locations heading under the Inventory tab in the Settings procedure.
If you have previously used multiple locations and then deactivated this setting in the Settings procedure, you can still open the window when reporting order rows with parts that still have multiple stock locations.
Read more about how to use multiple stock locations in the Location section in the documentation of the Settings procedure.
Message during Arrival Reporting
A message can be shown during arrival reporting if the purchase is linked to a requirement (Lot-for-Lot) or if you have activated the setting Message on P-order row to goods receiver in arrival reporting/receiving inspec. under the Orders / Inquiries heading under the Purchase tab in the Settings procedure. You can enter the message in the Register Purchase Order, Material Clearance and Part Info procedures. The message will then be shown when you save the reporting in the Arrival Reporting procedure, and it can be opened by clicking on the button
to the right of the order number. You can also print the message, if needed.
Print Transport Labels
If you have configured the setting Print transport label after arrival reporting? under the Orders / Inquiries heading under the Purchase tab in the Settings procedure, you can print transport labels from here, either directly or via the Transport label tab after executing the reporting. The message on a P-order row to the goods receiver in the Arrival Reporting can also be printed on the transport label. To be able to do this, you must also activate the settings Show causing requirement and Show message in the Form Settings procedure.
Window Functions
Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.