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General Information about Settings

What Does This Procedure Do?

Here you find all the general settings for all the procedures in the entire MONITOR system. The procedure consists of different tabs:

Each tab represents a module in MONITOR. In each tab you will find all settings for the procedures in that module in different groups.

The settings that can be configured here will affect different parts of the system. The settings may determine if certain fields will be shown, change certain calculations, provide a new function or change the way you work in certain procedures.

When and How Do I Use this Procedure?

All the settings have a predetermined default setting, which provides basic system parameters for a standard system. In principle, this means that you can use the system without actually having to make any major changes in this procedure. However, since the system contains so many different settings, it may not be convenient for your particular company to use all the basic settings. When you start up the system for the first time, we recommend that you go through this procedure and change all the settings that you need to adapt. During startup, you can always go back to this procedure and configure settings that may be required as you go along.

You can also use the Info Menu under the right mouse button, to check when the settings where last modified and by whom. By right-clicking on a setting and selecting Last modification... you can see this information in a control box.

Each setting has a row number, which makes it easier to refer to and to find a setting. Please note that the row number for a setting will change if settings are added or deleted in coming versions of MONITOR. But in the same version the row number is always the same in all systems.


At the very top of the Settings window there is a search/filter function that can be used to search for specific settings in all tabs at once. The function finds the settings that contain the entered search phrase. This takes place dynamically in all tabs. You can see the number of found settings within parenthesis on each tab respectively. By clicking on the red x-button to the right of the field you clear the search.

There is also another search function where you can search for specific settings per tab. This is used in the following way. Double-click on the heading for a setting to get the focus on the heading text. Then right-click and select Find on the Info menu. In the Find window that appears you can then enter a phrase to search for. Please note that this search only is made from the setting that is in focus and down in the list of settings, not up.

Settings for Forms

Settings for manufacturing order forms are located in the Manufacturing Order Documents procedure Settings for other forms are located in the Form Settings procedure.

Settings for Customer and Supplier

There are specific settings for customer and supplier (Extra information) under the button Extra Info in the Info tab in the Update Customer and Update Supplier procedures.

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.