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General Information about Supplier Rating

You will find a general description of how to manage lists in MONITOR in the chapter Managing Lists in the System under General in the MONITOR Basics guide.

What Does This Procedure Do?

The Supplier Rating procedure is used to evaluate or “rate” the company’s existing suppliers, based on their purchase order delivery performance. This follow-up can be based in part on delivery reliability and partly on rejection (rejects). That is why the Supplier Rating procedure can be seen as a follow-up or monitoring of the company's suppliers. This type of supplier rating can for example be done during quality revisions.

You cannot rate or evaluate new suppliers in this procedure. If you want to rate a new supplier, you will need to gather other information, such as a return or self-assessment form according to ISO-9000, which can be sent to the suppliers or collected from other sources.

Under the Create tab you classify and select suppliers based on different alternatives. This is also where you decide on what you want to base your evaluation, whether it is delivery reliability or rejects. Here you will also find different settings regarding the supplier rating.

Delivery Reliability

Some companies have agreements with their suppliers, in which the supplier commits to delivering the goods within a certain delivery period. This delivery time should then always be considered on the purchase order rows when they are registered. For example, if the guaranteed delivery time is 10 work days, then the delivery period should be set 10 work days ahead in time from the registration date. This delivery period is called the Initial delivery period.

If the order confirmation received from the supplier contains a delivery period that is later than the guaranteed delivery period, then the corresponding delivery period of the order must be changed. This delivery period is then called the Current delivery period.


Here you can create a supplier rating based on the supplier’s reject rate. You can reject arrived parts in the Receiving Inspection Reporting procedure for those parts that are configured to be subjected to receiving inspection upon arrival. You can activate receiving inspection for parts by either checking the Receiving inspection box on a supplier, order or a part. Sometimes parts are also rejected later on (after arrival), which may also happen to parts that are not usually subjected to a receiving inspection. This type of rejection is performed in the Posterior Rejection procedure.

What Update Options Exist for this Procedure?

In the Supplier Rating procedure there are no update options, since the information is taken directly from arrival and receiving inspection statistics.

Can Any Charts Be Displayed?

If you select the list types Only total, Only total - deliveries with rejects or Only total - rejected parts, you can view the list in chart form, to allow more precise comparisons between different suppliers.

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.

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