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General Information about Part Info

Why Use This Procedure?

This procedure contains all the current part information, as well as a number of different logs. The Part Info is an important and central procedure in the system, since it can display all the existing part information from anywhere in the system.

Part Info

You can open the Part Info procedure anywhere in the system by right-clicking to open the Info menu and using the Part Info option. The Part Info is then linked to the part that has been loaded into the open procedure.

The Part Info window is similar to the Update Part window. On the heading row you load a part number. There you will see part name, part type, current stock balance and unit (for all locations if you use multiple stock locations). You can also see the part balance in several company databases.

Under the heading row, you will find six tabs:

All of the tabs have buttons that contain extra information about a part and is shown in a separate window. The information available under each tab is very different from the corresponding tabs in the Update Part procedure. The main difference is that you cannot update any part information in the Part Info procedure, except for the information under the Activities tab.

By right-clicking and opening the Info menu you can link to a number of procedures where the information about the current part then will be loaded.

It is suggested that you activate the Remember window size and Remember window position settings under Settings | Customize... | Miscellaneous in the Window menu. The windows under the buttons will then always be shown where they were last positioned by the user and in the last selected size. These settings are general and apply to all windows in MONITOR.

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.