You are here: Purchase > Arrival > Arrival Reporting > The Rows Tab

The Rows Tab

The Rows tab is displayed after you have answered the question in the Arrival report the entire order dialog box. Here you perform arrivals per row and per part.

To the left, each row shows information about part number (if the part number is highlighted in red it indicates receiving inspection), name, quantity and unit.

This allows you to choose - for each order row - whether to arrival report allparts or a smaller quantity. You can also delete rest quantities, which will set the row as delivered in full (meaning finished or completed). A partially delivered order row is highlighted in yellow. If the order row is delivered in full, it will be highlighted in green.

You can also enter the actual delivery date, today's date is selected by default. You can - for each order row - activate receiving inspection.

The planned arrival date appears to the right (the "Del. period" column). And to the far right on the order row you can see information regarding price each, discount and amount.

You can see the supplier's part number and the entire part name in a yellow info box by pointing to the name using your mouse.

In the Info menu you will find additional selections.

Managing Locations

For each order row, you can enter one location. This location is saved for the part during registration. If a location already exists for the part, that location will be shown in the Location column, otherwise that field will show ********. If you use multiple stock locations, a separate window will open in the Quantity to report field where you can enter (for each order row) the quantity to be arrival reported per location. In this window you can also add new locations or change name of existing locations. The Location field on the order row will then say Several... and be greyed out.

Extra Row Info

Extra row info consists of the following fields where you can see or modify information, depending on the selected row type:

For further information about these fields, please see the help section under Register Purchase Order.

If the purchase order contains parts that require a receiving inspection, you will see the red text Receiving inspection (Receiving insp.) here.

Adding New Order Rows

In those cases where a purchase order needs to be supplemented by adding new order rows, you can do this in this procedure. By clicking on the Add rows button at the bottom of the page, the order rows under this tab will change into the same layout as the order rows under the Rows tab in the Register Purchase Order procedure.

You can then add an optional number of order rows in the same way as during the order registration. The work flow of the order rows is also the same as during registration. You execute the Arrival reporting by clicking on the Arrive button. Each row that is added will then be delivered in full by default.

It is also possible to add row type 5 to create serial numbers in the product register for the part in connection with the arrival reporting of an order row. Serial numbers are created when the arrival reporting is saved.