You are here: Purchase > Arrival > Arrival Reporting > Receiving Inspection

Receiving Inspection

If you have activated the setting Possibility to activate receiving inspection on order row during arrival reporting, under Orders / Inquiries under the Purchase tab in the Settings procedure, you can, in the arrival reporting, check a box called Inspection on the order row. The order row will then be marked for receiving inspection that will be made in the Receiving Inspection Reporting procedure later on.

With this setting activated, you can always check the Inspect box, when you, for example, during the arrival reporting decide that an inspection is necessary if you suspect transport damages, corrosion, etc.

When you have checked the Inspect box you can enter a cause or instruction by using the button I to the right on the row. The part number will also be highlighted in red when this box is checked. You can not change location for the part on the order row if a location is registered but this type of change can be made in the Receiving Inspection Reporting procedure. At the bottom of the tab, under Extra row info, "Receiving inspection" is shown in bold red font for the order row.