You are here: Purchase > Orders > Register Blanket Order - Purchase > General Information about Register Blanket Order - Purchase

General Information about Register Blanket Order - Purchase

What Does This Procedure Do?

This procedure is used to register a blanket order that is placed with a supplier.

A blanket order is an order where you have an agreed quantity and price for a part for a certain period of time. Based on this blanket order you then call off quantities from the order. When a blanket order has been registered, you can register purchase orders for this blanket order. The quantity is deducted (called-off) when orders are placed and the current called quantity is shown under Extra info on the blanket order. Price and discount can be copied to the call order (the purchase order). On the call order you can see to which blanket order each call is linked. If a purchase order becomes registered to a supplier where there is a blanket order, a blue text is displayed in the Register Purchase Order procedure and the part gets the price that is registered in the blanket order. This means that you can't miss that there is a special agreed price etc. with a supplier.

Arrivals are made as usual in the Arrival Reporting procedure. You can print a list of the current order backlog using the Order List - Purchase procedure.

In order to use blanket orders in the Purchase module you must activate the setting Activate blanket order. This setting is found under Orders / Inquiries under the Purchase tab in the Settings procedure.

Register a New Blanket Order

The registration window is divided into a heading row and the tabs called Main and Rows. When registering a new blanket order, you select a supplier on the heading row. Under the Main tab you enter a date interval. The entered interval determines between which dates the purchase order will be linked to this blanker order. This interval has nothing to do with valid delivery dates.

It is also possible to use the automatic numbering system but then the order number will consists only of digits. Blanket orders in the Purchase module use a separate order number series, please see the Number Series procedure.

It is possible to enter more than one row on the same blanket order. However, a part number can only occur once. A check is made when saving to see if a previous blanket order exists for the supplier and part within the same validity period. If so, a warning appears. It is not possible to save a new blanket order containing the same supplier and part and period. You are not allowed to save since you cannot have more than one blanket order per supplier and part within the same validity period.

When calling off an order, this will be registered as a purchase order. The blanket order number that is valid when the supplier order is registered will be set automatically on the order row. Normal price management will not be made on such purchase order rows but the price and discount is inherited from the blanket order. Via the Info menu, in the Register Purchase Order procedure, you can unlink a purchase order row from a blanket order.

Under the Activities tab you can register activities and log e-mail conversations regarding the blanket order.

Change Date on Purchase Orders Linked to a Blanket Order

If the order date is changed in the order header of a purchase order linked to a blanket order, one or several rows can be linked to another blanket order. If so, a message appears in the Register Purchase Order procedure.

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics.