You are here: Purchase > Orders > Print Purchase Order > General Information about Print Purchase Order

General Information about Print Purchase Order

What Does This Procedure Do?

You can print purchase order using this procedure. The documents that can be printed are purchase orders, delivery notes and order confirmations. You create purchase orders in the Register Purchase Order procedure. When you are registering orders, you can also preview and print the orders. You can print it on a preprinted form or on a blank paper. You can print a stock order document at any time. You will also find a printout sample of a purchase order.

In the Form Settings procedure in the Global Settings module, you can describe how you want printouts to be handled. For example, you can indicate how many copies of the document that should be printed each time and if you want to include the supplier's quote number in the printout.

Managing Windows

The Search Form in this procedure consists of two portions. In the left portion of the window, you can select the printout by entering an interval of order numbers, supplier codes or our references. If you leave these fields empty, the system will print all orders. Here you also select which type of form you want to print, the printout date, the number of copies you want to print and if you want to include price info.

In the right portion of the window, you can deselect (uncheck) individual orders that you do not want to print, or select individual orders to be printed, depending on which method you choose. When the right portion of the window is activated, you can also click on Preview to preview the printout.

Read more about the four different methods for printing purchase orders; "Preliminary selection", "Selecting individual orders", "Direct printing via intervals" and "Send according to the order setting".

Purchase Order Status

An order always has a particular "status", depending at what stage the order is in the system. All the status levels (except for status 3) are set by the system. The following status levels exist:

The status of an order determines if and how it can be printed here. In the Search Form it is possible to print purchase orders, delivery notes or order confirmations. You can also choose Fax, which will print a special fax form that will be sent with a fax program.

If you choose to print several purchase orders, delivery notes, order confirmations (selected by order number or supplier), then only orders with status 1 will be printed.

There is an exception when selecting by Order number and that is if you only enter one order number in the fields. That will allow you to print the forms for orders with status 1-5.

If you have the installed the supplement Document Viewing you can link external documents that will be printed together with the order documents. The following alternatives then appear in the Search Form:


Alternatives for external documents.

If you select Do not print duplicates, only one copy of each external document will be printed, even if for example the same part (with linked document) exists on several rows.

EDI Export of Purchase Orders

If you install the EDI supplement, you can also export purchase orders from this procedure via EDI as an Edifact message (ORDERS). Please read more about EDI in the Using MONITOR Procedures guide.

When you have installed the EDI supplement, you will see the alternative Export data to EDI in the Search Form.


The Export Data to EDI alternative.

If you check this alternative, the data on the selected purchase orders will be exported to the EDI Data table when you choose Print. In the EDI Data procedure in the Global Settings module, you can check data and make any necessary adjustments or corrections. If it is indicated on the link for this EDI message/supplier, in the EDI Links procedure in the Global Settings, that the MEDI should run automatically, then MEDI will start and create the export file directly after printout.

The export file is then read by the EDI bridge that sends the EDI message to the supplier and receives the order response (order confirmation) regarding previously sent purchase orders.

The order responses are then loaded in the Import EDI Order Responses procedure. This method is the opposite of exporting purchase orders.

Print EDI Purchase Orders

Any printed EDI order will be marked with "Sent as EDI message" to reduce the risk of duplicates. By using the setting No EDI order printout you can stop all EDI orders from being printed. This setting is found under the Extra Info button under the Info tab in the Update Supplier procedure. Then only export of EDI messages is performed when printing in this procedure.

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.