You are here: Purchase > Orders > Import EDI Order Responses > General Information about Import EDI Order Responses

General Information about Import EDI Order Responses

Why Use This Procedure?

This procedure is used to register order confirmations (order responses) from suppliers. You can register order responses received from the suppliers via mail, fax or via EDI messages (this requires the EDI supplement).

Manual Registration

This procedure can be used in the standard system to manually register order responses. This is useful to register order response received from the supplier via mail or fax.

In the order header you select order number and the order rows are confirmed. If needed, you adjust the order response information received from the supplier.

EDI Import

In this procedure you can import order responses as EDI messages "ORDERSP" (this is a supplement). If you have installed this supplement, the buttons Order header and Order rows are activated to the left in the window. These buttons are used to import entire order responses, or to import responses per order row to preview the order response changed by the supplier. These buttons are greyed out in a standard system.

By checking the setting Order response/EDI import doesn't save price from imported message under the Purchase tab you will prevent that an order response from the supplier will change the price on the purchase order.

Any transport time entered on the supplier will be added to the delivery period.

In the Historical Events in the Global Settings, the events in the Import EDI Order Responses will be logged under ID 303 and ID 304. Under ID303 the difference considering the delivery time between order /order response will be logged. Under ID 304 the different events causing the import to fail will be logged. This can be that purchase order is missing, part is missing in MONITOR, etc. This logging takes place both during import via the MONITOR Agent and during manual import.

Before you can use the EDI import, you must configure your system to support EDI and install a special EDI bridge. Furthermore your supplier must use EDI when placing their orders with their customers. Please read more about EDI in the Using MONITOR Procedures guide.

Before you can import new order responses, you must have run the Manual MEDI procedure in Global Settings. Otherwise, you can run MEDI on a schedule, for example via the MONITOR AGENT or the Scheduled Tasks in Windows.

When running MEDI, the EDI messages are converted in an import file that is created by the EDI Bridge, into a basis for new order responses in a table in MONITOR's database. In the EDI Data procedure in the Global Settings module, you can check this table and these bases and make any necessary adjustments or corrections.

Window Functions

Split row - creates an almost identical copy of the order row on which the cursor is positioned. However, the quantity will be set to zero on the new row.

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.