You are here: Using MONITOR Procedures > EDI > General Information about EDI

General Information about EDI

The EDI chapter describes what EDI means and how EDI procedures are used in MONITOR, as well as the work flow when using EDI in the system. It also describes the different main settings and configurations that must be performed in the system, before EDI can be taken into use.

Please note that the EDI function in MONITOR is a supplement that must be purchased separately. For further information regarding the price of this supplementary function, please contact Monitor ERP System AB by phone +46 - 650-766 00, or via e-mail

EDI is a general term for electronic transfer of documents and messages. The global UN standard for EDI is called EDIFACT.

Read more about:


EDI Communication and EDI Bridge

Basic EDI Settings

Work Flow when Receiving Delivery Schedules