You are here: Inventory > Requirements Planning > Purchase Order Suggestion > General Information about Purchase Order Suggestion

General Information about Purchase Order Suggestion

You will find a general description of how to manage lists in MONITOR in the chapter Managing Lists in the System under General in the MONITOR Basics guide.

What Does This Procedure Do?

In this procedure you can create a list with purchase order suggestions. These suggestions are created either in the Requirement Calculation procedure with the order suggestion activated, the Register Manufacturing Order procedure with purchase order activated, the Run Netting or the Run Netting Manufacturing Forecast procedure.

Under the Create tab it is possible to select parts and make different selections for generating purchase orders.

You can then use the list to generate purchase order suggestions into actual purchase order rows by clicking on Run under the Window functions. In the list, you can also select which purchase order suggestions you want to include in the run. Also see printout samples of the purchase order suggestion list, containing explanations for the different columns in the list.

Please note that if you have activated the setting Purchase limit?, under Orders / Inquiries under the Purchase tab in the Settings procedure, all generated purchase orders will be shown but orders exceeding the purchase limit cannot be printed in this mode. Other orders can be printed if needed.

If Linked requirement/supply planning for M-part (Lot-for-lot) is used, a warning appears if date and/or quantity is changed in the purchase order suggestion. This warning lets you know that changes, if any, should be made on the causing requirement instead.

What Are Purchase Order Suggestions?

A customer order registered for manufactured parts (M-parts) will create stock reservations for those parts. If the sold parts are structure parts, the system will also create a material requirement for the incorporated M-parts, S-parts, F-parts and P-parts. When the available stock balance for the affected P-parts falls below the safety stock or equals zero, the system will place purchase order suggestions for these parts from one of the abovementioned procedures. In this procedure, these order suggestions are loaded and generated into actual purchase orders. Purchase order rows will be generated in the unit shown in the list.

The P-parts that are requirement calculated must have a current supplier link, in order for the system to generate actual purchase order rows.

What Update Options Exist for this Procedure?

In the list, you can manually change the Quantity and Delivery Period of each order suggestion.

The list then generates actual purchase orders if you click on Run. A message appears showing the created purchase order numbers. From that message you can choose to print these purchase orders. You can then also choose EDI export for these purchase orders (supplement).

The Print Delivery Schedules procedure loads the forecast rows from the purchase order suggestions, which means that you manually can divide a part's purchase suggestions between several suppliers in this procedure.

Warning during Minimum Order Amount

If a minimum order amount is entered regarding purchases from the supplier, a message appears if the total order amount (in the company currency) is lower than the minimum order amount. This check is made when you save the inquiry or the purchase order. The same check of the minimum order amount is made in the procedures Purchase Order Suggestion and Refill List - Purchase when you create a purchase order.

Distribute Purchase between Suppliers

If you have activated the setting Distribute purchase between several suppliers? you can enter a distribution percentage in a supplier link for a part in the Update Part - Purchase procedure. This setting is found under the Orders / Inquiries heading under the Purchase tab in the Settings procedure. This makes it possible to distribute the purchases of the part between two or more suppliers according to the entered percentages. Only one purchase order suggestion will be created, but two or more purchase orders will be created when the suggestion is generated into actual purchase orders. One purchase order will then be created for each supplier according to the distribution in the supplier links.

Please Note! Using this procedure it is not possible to distribute purchases between multiple supplier links on the same supplier.

Purchase on Project

A check is made when purchasing on project to make sure that the project number is entered, provided that the part that is being ordered is marked with "Purchase on project" in the Update Part.

Can Any Charts Be Displayed?

There are no charts or graphs available in this list.

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.

Concept Link IconSee also: