You are here: Inventory > Requirements Planning > Purchase Order Suggestion > Printout Samples

Printout Samples

Here we will see a few printout samples of the Purchase Order Suggestion list. This list shows information about each supplier, with their Supplier code and Supplier name. For each part number, each suggestion is shown on a separate row, see the section Explanation of the Columns in the List.

In the Info menu using the right mouse button, you will find additional functions for the list.

Sample of the left portion of the Purchase Order Suggestion list, one order per supplier.

Sample of the right portion of the Purchase Order Suggestion list, one order per supplier.

Below you will see a sample of a distributed purchase between two suppliers where the distribution is 70/30 in percent. Please note that only the current supplier will be shown in the purchase order suggestion. In the Info menu you can choose to see the distributed purchase. When the purchase order suggestion is released, purchase orders are generated to the suppliers included in the distribution.

Sample of the Purchase Order Suggestion list with the alternative Distributed purchase.