You are here: Purchase > Orders > Register Purchase Order > The Main Tab

The Main Tab

Under the Main tab you register general information such as addresses, shipping, references, terms, etc. This info is loaded from the supplier. All the information in this window can be temporarily modified for a particular purchase order.

The Mail address indicates to which address the purchase order should be sent.

The Delivery address indicates to which address the supplier should send the goods. You can select any delivery address that has been registered for the company, customers and suppliers.

The E-mail field indicates to which e-mail address the purchase order should be sent.

Under Shipping you can enter a pallet registration number and choose packaging terms. Here you can also see the GAN/Customer number for the shipping agent selected under Delivery method. By using the Dispatch advice button (Disp.Adv) you can register dispatch advices from the supplier. Under the EDI button you will find information about previous delivery schedules.

Under References you select Our reference and Your reference. Here you can also enter Your order number, Our note, Receiving department and Goods label.

Under Terms you select payment terms, delivery terms, place of terms of delivery delivery method, payment plan, order date, delivery date, status, supplier code invoice and authorized signer. Under Printout via, a default printout method for purchase orders can be selected (via printer, fax or e-mail). The printout can then be executed by using the button Send or print according to the order setting under Window functions in the Print Purchase Order procedure. You can also select Agent supplier code and whether or not Reversed liability for payment should apply.

Under Export you enter language, currency, VAT code, and quote number.

Under Miscellaneous (Misc.) you enter Additional text, Supplier group, Project number, Fax number, Manufacturing order number (M-order no.) and if the order shall be configured as subject to Receiving inspection. The Comment button, at the bottom of the window, is active if any comments have been entered for the supplier. Under the Modification log button you will see a log over modifications made for the purchase order.

At the very bottom of the window under Order... you can see by whom and when the order was created and modified.

By using the Info Menu which you access by right-clicking you can link to the Update Supplier procedure for the selected supplier on the order. You can then make changes regarding that supplier.

Under the Rows tab you can see the order rows. You can also use the shortcut keys Alt+R, or select To order rows under Show on the Window menu to access the Rows tab.