You are here: Purchase > Orders > Register Purchase Order > Status


A purchase order always has a particular "status", depending at what stage the order is in the system. Once the purchase order is registered it is given status 1. When the purchase order is printed, it is given status 2, etc.

The system will automatically update the order status, but in some cases this can also be done manually. For example, if an order confirmation was attached to a purchase order, you should manually give the order status 3 ("Confirmed") once the order confirmation has been received from the supplier. If you set the order to status 3 in the order header, all the order rows will be set to status 3 "Confirmed". You can also "confirm" an individual order row. If you configure an individual order row as "Confirmed" (status 3), the Order header’s status will also be set to status 3 by default. To confirm individual order rows, the entire order's status must be set to status 3 "Confirmed".

If a purchaser has exceeded his/her purchase limit, the purchase order will get status 0 (Not approved). You cannot print such an order until it has been approved by the person responsible. This is done in the Orders Needing Approval. procedure.

The different status levels for purchase orders are: