You are here: Purchase > Orders > Register Purchase Order > Delivery Address

Delivery Address

The delivery address contains several rows: 1 row for the company's name, 2 rows for the street address, 2 rows for the zip and city and 1 row for the country. All the registered rows are printed on the purchase order. All the delivery address information for the purchase order is taken from the address register, in this case, the latest delivery address used by that user is loaded. The first time the system always loads the active (current) delivery address for the company sending the inquiry.

Save Default Delivery Address

By using the Info menu each user can select the option Save default delivery address.

Multiple Delivery Addresses

You can change the delivery address for a certain purchase order by selecting a delivery address from the address register.

Use the button to load a delivery address. You can select any delivery address that has been registered for the company, customers and suppliers. If you select "Customer" or "Supplier", a field appears for the customer or supplier code. You can there select any delivery address registered for the respective customer or supplier. You select the address in the left part of the window using the keys or by clicking in the box in question.

The Delivery Address window where you can select multiple delivery addresses.

The delivery address heading in the registration window shows (in parenthesis) how many delivery addresses you can choose from for this company, if you use the "Multiple delivery address" button.

The heading indicates that there are four delivery addresses.