You are here: Purchase > Orders > Register Purchase Order > The Dispatch Advice Button

The Dispatch Advice Button

By clicking the Dispatch advice button a window opens in which you can register, update and delete dispatch advices on order rows.

Window used to register dispatch advices on purchase orders.

You can enter Delivery note number, Shipment number, Shipment date and Shipping agent per dispatch advice.

You can check the box All to advise Our rest quantity in full or enter Advised quantity per order row. By checking the box D you can delete a rest if the Advised quantity is a final delivery that is less than Our rest quantity. To the far right on the row you will see the total advised quantity.

If the dispatch advice concerns a partial delivery, the row is highlighted in yellow. If the rest quantity is advised in full or if rest is deleted, the row is highlighted in green (the same as when arrival reporting).

By using the button Dispatch advice the entire order, the Advised quantity is filled in on all order rows with Our rest quantity.

Row types that can be advised and shown here are 1 (part row), 2 (Additional order row), 3 (Service row), 6 (Underlying fictitious part) and 9 (Tool row).

Goods Searching

When a Shipment number is filled in and a Shipping agent has been selected, the button Goods searching is shown allowing you to perform goods searching via the Internet. However, no goods searching can be made if the shipping agent "Other" is selected.

Several Dispatch Advices Registered

If one or several dispatch advices are saved on an order, you will see a pound sign (#) on the Dispatch Advice button. You will then see information in the dispatch advice window regarding who received and registered the dispatch advice as well as the date. You can see how many dispatch advices that are registered as well as how many are already arrival reported and not arrival reported. If there are more than one dispatch advice registered, arrow buttons are shown which can be used to navigate between the dispatch advices. The latest dispatch advice is shown initially and you can browse between the advices. The dispatch advices are sorted by Shipment date.

You can add dispatch advices by using the button Add and delete a saved one by using the button Delete. If you add a dispatch advice, you will only see order rows with a rest quantity. When deleting a dispatch advice a control question appears asking if you want to delete the selected dispatch advice.

Information shown if there are several dispatch advices saved.

If you hold the cursor over the text "Received by <user> <date>" a so-called tooltip is shown if the dispatch advice has been changed, by whom and when.

Information shown when the dispatch advice has been changed.

The Total advised field will be updated when you move from the Advised quantity field.

Register Dispatch Advice from XML File

In those cases when both the customer and supplier use MONITOR the supplier can send a dispatch advice as an XML file to the customer in an e-mail message. The customer can then drag the XML file from the e-mail message and drop it in the procedure window in the Register Purchase Order or in the Procedure menu in order to register the information from the XML file automatically in the dispatch advice window. This is a function in the MONITOR-to-MONITOR feature.