You are here: MONITOR Basics > Configuration and Maintenance > System Maintenance > Settings for New Test Company or Historical Database

Settings for New Test Company or Historical Database

In the dialog box ClosedSettings for New Test Company or Historical Database you configure the settings for which type of database and which type of company that will be created.

Dialog box where you select company, type of database and type of company.


Here you can see the actual company databases that have been configured.

Please Note! Make sure you select the right company for which you want to create a test company or a historical database!

Type of Database

For a test company you can here select which type of database that is concerned. The following alternatives are available:

Type of Company

Here you select which type of company that is concerned. The following alternatives are available:

Please Note! In the text field to the right of the Test option you must start the text with "Test" in order for a test company to be created. However, you can enter additional text after this which can describe the test company. If you change the text to something other than a text starting with "Test" the data base will be created as a Historical database.

EIM Database

If you also want to create EIM database/databases for test companies you must start the MONITOR System Upgrader one more time.

In the dialog box Settings for New Test Company or Historical Database you configure settings regarding EIM Test.

Selection of EIM Test company.