You are here: MONITOR Basics > Configuration and Maintenance > The Agent Server > Registering the Agent Server

Registering the Agent Server

Before the Agent server can be taken into use it has to be registered as a service. This must also be made after an update. In order to do this, run the program monagent.exe with the -Service switch in the command under Start - Run... (or the Windows button + R). For example if MONITOR is installed in C:\monwin, you enter c:\monwin\monagent.exe -Service in the command prompt.

The command under Start - Run...

Connected networks (for example H: for the monwin folder on the database server) are not supported in the command above. This means that if you enter H:\monagent.exe -Service, a message appears informing you that an incorrect search path has been entered. If the registration is made from a MONITOR client computer/terminal server, make sure that the entire UNC path \\server name\monwin\monagent.exe -Service is entered. If the registration is made on the database server, you enter the path to the local monwin folder according to the example above.

Removing the Agent Server

If you need to remove the Agent server from the computer later on, you use the -UnRegServer switch in the command above. Enter the command c:\monwin\monagent.exe -UnRegServer. Then you enter the command sc delete "MONITOR Agent Server and the service will be removed directly.