You are here: Inventory > Requirements Planning > Register Sales Forecast > The Forecasts Tab

The Forecasts Tab

The Forecasts tab shows a table containing all sales forecasts. This is where you register all sales forecasts. A sales forecast can apply to an individual part, a product group, a product series, or a seller, for example.

For each forecast you enter a forecast code and a name. You select the number of work days that must elapse between the different periods for which reservations are made. You can also choose whether the forecast should be active or not. This will determine whether the forecast should be included in requirements planning or not in the Run Netting or Requirement Calculation procedures. For example, a forecast can be inactive during the low season, if sales of that product or product group are seasonal. It is possible to see if the forecast has been changed and in that case by whom and when. You can also select Customer code and Part number for the forecast.

It is not possible to enter Customer code or Part number when a forecast code is created if the Generate Sales Forecast procedure later should be used to create rows.

At the bottom of the tab you will see how many forecast codes that exist and you can also see how many of them that are active.