You are here: Inventory > Requirements Planning > Register Sales Forecast > New Delivery Schedule from XML File

New Delivery Schedule from XML File

You drag the attached XML file from the e-mail message and drop it over the Register Sales Forecast procedure window. You can also drop the XML file in the Procedure menu in MONITOR. The XML will then be identified and the Register Sales Forecast procedure will automatically open. If all information is correct in the XML file, the new forecast will be created automatically but it will not be saved. If everything is OK, you can save the forecast.

If the customer code or part number in the XML file is not found in the database, there are alternatives so that you can still import the XML file to a new forecast. See below.

Found No Customer Code

If the Customer code in the XML file does not exist in the customer register, a control window appears where you can select a customer code for the import of the delivery schedule.

Found More than One Possible Customer Code

If more than one possible customer code is found in our customer register, a control question appears in which you can see the customers in question. From these you can then select the correct customer.

Found No Part Number

If the Part number on a forecast row in the XML file is not found in the part register, a control window appears where you can select a part number for the forecast row import. If the part does not exist in the part register, you can click Cancel to skip the import of this forecast row. In the control window you will also see the Customer code, Customer name, Customer's part number and Name, all loaded from the XML file. During the first import, the Customer's par number from the XML file will be saved in the customer link on the selected part in the part register. This way the part in question will be saved and found during future XML imports of this part number.

Forecasts Already Exist for This Customer

If forecasts already exist for the same customer, a control window will appear where you can choose to replace the existing forecast code, create a new forecast or cancel.

Result Window

After you have dropped the XML file, the import has been made and the information is matched, a result window appears. In this window you can see that a new forecast has been registered etc.