You are here: Inventory > Physical Inventory > Inventory Value List > Base Value on Balance

Base Value on Balance

Under Base value on balance you can select different balance alternatives for parts, multiplied by the price that is the inventory value basis (this does not apply when using the Total/month list type). The balance types that can be selected here are:

Please Note! If a part has a negative balance, the system will calculate a negative inventory value for that part! There are different opinions regarding whether this principle is correct or not. Some users think that it is the right way to calculate, while others would prefer to have the inventory value set to zero (0) for parts that have a negative balance. If a part has a negative balance, it indicates that different reports, arrivals or stock withdrawals were not properly carried out, or that they are not in sync with each other. That is why it is recommended to make sure that the current balance is correct, before you perform any inventory value calculations on a balance alternative.