Printout Samples
Here are a few samples of what the lists in the WIP List can look like. WIP lists can be complicated to interpret, particularly if you select the list type Order / Part / Operation / Material. Therefore there is an explanation of the different records in the lists. It describes how the WIP value and the records that the WIP calculation is based on, can be found in the lists.
All the lists show the total WIP value – for example for the order interval that you entered in the Create tab – at the far right bottom corner or the lists. There you will find framed and bold font value for Gross WIP, WIP to stock and Net WIP (
see image below).
Framed values in the WIP list.
Which of the WIP values Gross or Net that is used, depends on whether your manufacturing is to finished stock or customer orders. This determines how the WIP value is calculated. If manufacturing orders reported as finished are balanced in the finished stock, they are calculated as inventory value, and then the Net value applies. However, if these orders are final reported instead, and delivered against customer orders, they will be calculated as WIP values up to final reporting, and then the Gross value applies.
Order / Part / Operation / Material
The Order / Part / Operation / Material list shows the most complete and detailed information. This list type is usually only created on a per order basis, and is used for reconciliation, checking calculation differences etc.
This list shows information for all incorporated parts in an order, from the highest level down: Part type, Status, Operation, Work center, Planned time, Reported time, Planned quantity, Reported quantity, Cost factor alternative on operation rows or Standard price for incorporated parts (Each), Processing cost, Subcontracting cost and Material cost with or without SO (Storage Overhead). At the far right you will see Gross WIP, WIP to stock and Net WIP.
So how do you read the values in this list? The WIP values and incorporated inventory value at the part level can be seen to the right of the dotted line in the list. The total WIP on the order is shown under all the incorporated parts in the order. At the very bottom, the WIP values are added up as a total for all the selected orders. For example, you can see how the different WIP values are distributed (broken down) into the processing cost, subcontracting cost and material cost under those columns.
In this sample list of order 4907, the part number 524106 has operation 10 reported as finished and operation 20 partially reported. Part numbers 524101 and 524102 are reported as finished. The main part 524104 has nothing partially reported yet, which is why there are no WIP values for that part.
In this sample, the order number 4902 is reported as finished.
Order / Part
The Order / Part list shows – at part level for all incorporated parts in the order – the values from the Total part row in the Order / Part / Operation / Material list.
This sample is from the same order, 4907.
The Order list displays, on order level for all orders that has been selected, values from the Total order row in any of the above mentioned list types. To the far right in the list you can see the last reporting date on the order. This date can be used in an age analysis of the WIP. Please note that the date column can be empty if the order only is started in the Recording Terminal and no material has been withdrawn.
Sample of the Order list.
If you choose to classify the list using another alternative than Order number, you can only select a list that can either show Total or not. One alternative can be if there are several manufacturing orders in a project. You may then want to see the WIP value of the entire project. In this case you should choose to classify the list by Project.
You can use it to check how realistic your WIP value is, this by giving all manufacturing orders that are for the same customer order a project code which is the same as the customer order number. Then you can classify the WIP List by Project, which will give you a basis that can be compared to the customer order backlog.
Sample of a Total list classified by Project.
Sample of a list classified by Project, no total.
Explanation of the different records in the lists
In order for you to understand where the different costs come from that are used as a basis for the WIP values, the different columns and how they are calculated are explained below:
- Time(P) and Time(R) - these columns show the planned time and reported time for each respective operation. Please note that the list only shows one decimal. The exact time may use several decimals, you can verify this in the Order Info procedure.
If a red exclamation mark ! is displayed to the right of the Ti(R) column it means that it is the planned time that is used as a basis for WIP. This only applies if the setting called Not more than planned time has been activated under the Create tab. A tooltip for the exclamation mark will then show the reported time for the operation.
- Quantity(P) and Quantity(R) - these columns show the planned part quantity and the reported part quantity.
- Each – the prices that are shown here are determined by the parameters you configured under WIP value of work and WIP value of material under the Create tab.
For operation rows on M-part you will see a price per hour for the cost factor alternative you selected under WIP value of work. The price on the operation rows is affected also by the selection Planned/reported or Current. When using the Current selection, the price is also affected by the fact if the cost factors value is Current or Future.
For incorporated P-parts, S-parts and M-parts and Total part (transfer to stock) the column shows the price alternative selected under WIP value of material. If you selected Planned/Reported you will see the price that was applied when the order was registered. If you selected Current you will see the price alternative that has been configured for each respective part type.
If you selected SO mark-up on P-parts in the Create tab, the “each” price for purchase parts will include this mark-up.
- Processing - when you have selected the WIP value of work alternative Reported time, the processing cost is calculated by multiplying Time(R) with the Price each. If the WIP value of work was set to Reported quantity, then the processing cost is calculated by multiplying Time(P) by the Each price and then multiplying it by the quota Quantity(R)/Quantity(P).
- Subcontracting – is calculated by multiplying the Quantity (R) by the subcontracting cost that was entered in the preparation.
- Material – is calculated by multiplying the Quantity (R) by the Price each.
- Gross – shows the Gross WIP for each respective operation, part, order and total. For operations and parts, the Gross WIP column shows the same value as under Processing, Subcontracting or Material.
- To Stock – shows the inventory value increase and is calculated by multiplying the Quantity (R) of the last operation by the part’s standard price. All the items in the list that affect the inventory value increase are shown in italics.
- Net – shows the Net WIP for each respective part, order and total. The net is calculated as Gross minus To stock. If an asterisk (*) is shown here it means that something is wrong, for example the C-factor is 0, a price is 0 or a calculation distribution is missing.
- Total part – shows the total of all the records, plus the inventory value increase, at part level. Under the Each column you see the part’s price taken from the price alternative selected for this part type under WIP value of material. This price is multiplied by the Quantity (R) that was reported on the last operation and is shown as the inventory value increase in the To stock column.
- Total deduction at higher level – shows the deduction of the inventory value increase for the higher level of the part. In the To stock column you will see the amount of the inventory value decrease for the corresponding partially reported quantity for this part at the higher level. Under the Gross column you will see the same negative amount that is deducted from the Gross for the part at the higher level.
If there is no partially reported quantity for the part at the higher level, no amounts will be displayed here. Once the part has been reported as finished and all the higher level operations that include the part have also been reported as finished, then the amounts under the To stock column for this row and the Total part row above will "cancel each other out", so to speak.
- Total order – shows the total values for Gross WIP, WIP to stock and Net WIP at the order level. The Gross WIP is also divided into (distributed among) Processing, Subcontracting and Material. This row also shows planned and reported time.
- Total gross WIP / Total list – shows for e.g. an order interval the Gross WIP, WIP to stock and Net WIP for the entire list. The Gross WIP is also divided into (distributed among) Processing, Subcontracting and Material.
- Total WIP to stock - shows the inventory value divided into Processing, Subcontracting and Material.
- Total Net WIP - shows the Net WIP divided into Processing, Subcontracting and Material.
The Info Menu Accessed by Right-Clicking
From WIP List you can open the Post-Calculation with the right order number or project number loaded by right-clicking in the list on the order or project number.