You are here: Inventory > Quality > Outline


Under the menu heading Quality in the Inventory module, you will find procedures that deal with all aspects of quality control and nonconformity management (managing "nonconformities", also known as deviations, discrepancies, divergences etc.). For example, reporting nonconformities, printing a variety of documents, reporting nonconformity activities, controlling the cost of poor quality, controlling the delivery reliability or delivery performance to customers and suppliers, rating suppliers, etc. You can report four different types of nonconformities: Supplier nonconformity, Customer nonconformity, Internal nonconformity and Preventive action.

The nonconformity items that are registered here, are also shown in the rest of the system, such as in Part Info or Order Info.

These procedures are also used to maintain high quality levels by means of preventive actions to decrease nonconformities according to ISO-9000, as well as environmental factors according to ISO-14000.

Below you will find a brief description of all the procedures that can be found under the Quality menu in the Inventory module of a complete MONITOR system.

Register Nonconformity

This is where you register all the nonconformities that occur, such as Supplier nonconformity, Customer nonconformity, Internal nonconformity and also Preventive action. Nonconformities can also be registered automatically during rejection, in connection with reporting or receiving inspection. You link activities to each nonconformity. The cost of poor quality can be loaded for each nonconformity. You can register preventive actions in order to prevent nonconformity that would otherwise occur, or to avoid or minimize environmental influence. You can also print confirmations, responses and claim / nonconformity reports from this procedure.

Activity Reporting

This procedure allows you to use a list to report different activities that have been planned for nonconformities. You can update the activities with status, comments, the person responsible for the reporting, and reported date.

Cost of Poor Quality

This procedure allows you to see a list containing all the Costs of Poor Quality that have occurred through the different registered nonconformities. There are a number of different alternatives you can use to classify and select.

Rejection List - Manufacturing

This is the same list that can be found under the Reporting heading in the Manufacturing module. Here you can print out a list of the cost of all the rejects that were reported in Operation Reporting or in the Material Reporting procedures in the Manufacturing module. This list is a complement to the Cost of Poor Quality list, for those rejection reports that were not registered as nonconformities.

Nonconformity Activity List

This procedure allows you to see a list containing all the activities that have been planned for different nonconformities, and follow-up on these. There are no update options in this procedure. You use the Activity Reporting procedure for updating.

Exact Match Search - Nonconformity Log

In this procedure you can make exact match searches in the part log.

Delivery Performance to Customer

Here you can use a total list to compare the delivered volumes with the deviating volume (volume nonconformity), where the volume appears both as a quantity and as a value. You can also see key ratios for these comparisons, in order to measure the quality of the volume delivered to the customer. This key ratio is sometimes entered as a ppm value (parts per million), but in this list it appears as a percentage value with two decimals.

Delivery Reliability to Customer

This is the same list as the Delivery Reliability procedure, which can be found under the Customers heading in the Sales module. Here you can check how your own deliveries to your customers have been managed, with regard to keeping promised delivery times etc. You can create a comparison between the current delivery period (which is registered on the order row in the Register Customer Order procedure), and the actual delivery period (which is registered in the Delivery Reporting procedure). You can also compare the initial delivery period and the actual delivery period.

Delivery Performance from Supplier

Here you can use a total list to compare the arrived volumes with the deviating volume (volume nonconformity), where the volume appears both as a quantity and as a value. You can also see key ratios for these comparisons, in order to measure the quality of the arrival volume received from the supplier. This key ratio is sometimes entered as a ppm value (parts per million), but in this list it appears as a percentage value with two decimals.

You can perform this comparison for nonconformities or deviations on purchased goods (purchase orders); or for the rejection of parts that were ordered subcontracting work (subcontracts).

Supplier Rating

This is the same list as the Supplier Rating found under Suppliers in the Purchase module, where you use certain criteria to evaluate or rate your suppliers based on their delivery reliability. This list is used to evaluate or rate the company's existing suppliers, taking into consideration any delayed or too early deliveries of purchase orders, in comparison to the actual or initial delivery period. This list can also measure the quality nonconformities (deviations) that are reported as rejects in the Receiving Inspection Reporting or Posterior Rejection procedures, but that have not been registered as nonconformities in the Register Nonconformity procedure.

Delivery Reliability - Own Operations

Here you can load list of delivery reliability and rejection for own operations. The procedure is used to see how your own work centers manage to maintain the planned finish times and to see the number of rejects by the volume reported as finished.

Subcontractor Rating

Here you can evaluate or rate the company's existing subcontractors, in view of their delivery reliability. This list can also measure the quality nonconformities (deviations) that are reported as rejects in the operation, but that have not been registered as nonconformities in the Register Nonconformity procedure.

Register Basic Data

Here you can register default basic data for the different nonconformity types. The system is delivered with four nonconformity types: Supplier nonconformity, Customer nonconformity, Internal nonconformity and Preventive action. You can also register own nonconformity types that are based on one of the four basic types. Basic data consists of different activities, the person responsible for each nonconformity type and activity, different costs etc. This basic data is then loaded by default for each of the respective nonconformity type, each time you register a new nonconformity. The different activities can describe either a predetermined or default work flow or procedure to follow for each nonconformity type.

Adjust Delivery / Arrival Log

Here you can load a delivery or arrival log list in order to adjust or delete log records. The purpose is to adjust any incorrect reporting that may disturb the statistics used in the Delivery Reliability and Supplier Rating procedures.

If you have made an incorrect reporting on an order, you adjust that log record in this procedure. If you have made a reporting on the wrong order, you delete that log record in this procedure.

Adjustment List

Here you can load a list to see the adjustments made in the delivery and/or arrival logs in the Adjust Delivery / Arrival Log procedure.

Activity Summary

Here you can print all planned nonconformities, customer, supplier, project and part activities. You will also find statistics for finished activities. You can print all activities regardless of the activity status and responsible user.